Tuesday, December 14, 2010

North Korean Uprising

Stupid North Korean dictator... the man who has made it impossible for me to start my TEFL teaching in South Korea this year....I'll probably hold a grudge forever seeing as how his son is just as bad and ready to take up the "throne", and by that I mean seat of tyranny,  the moment his father is 6 ft. under.
I'll just have to take my English to Japan I suppose.
But, all personal grudges aside, I'm not the only one who bears a gruding eye towards the leadership of North Korea. I was looking on Kotaku today and saw a first person shooter in the works that directly deals with Kim Jung-un rising to power after his dad's death.
It's not pretty...Modern Warfare 2 but much worse. I couldn't embed the video unfortunately but I will post the link for you:

Homefront Video Game

This video below is just a video of their ceremonial war marches...scary.

Best of YouTube 2010

Ah, YouTube...I spend more time with you than my boyfriend. Maybe it's that internet addiction that everyone is rumbling about nowadays.
Well, what's better than watching YouTube? Re-Watching YouTube! Haha...YouTube voters compiled a list of the best (or most viewed) videos of 2010.
I'm sad to says that Justin Beiber and Twilight made the list. But to redeem it, Auto-Tune the News and Okay Go made the list as well! I guess not everyone have Beiber-fever, Team Jacob fever. *phew*
If you want the full list of popular videos look below! :)

Top 10
#1: Bed Intruder Song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMtZfW...
#2: Tik Tok Kesha Parody - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7n8Gq...
#3: Greyson Chance 'Paparazzi' - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxDlC7...
#4: Annoying Orange Wazzup - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL_qGM...
#5: The Man Your Man Could Smell Like (Old Spice)- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owGykV...
#6: Giant Double Rainbow - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQSNhk...
#7: This Too Shall Pass OK Go - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qybUFn...
#8: The Twilight Saga Eclipse Trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2HIda...
#9: Jimmy Surprises Bieber Fan - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKEQwv...
#10: Gymkhana Three, Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TshFW...

The Building Blocks

I was looking on Wired today and I ran across a pretty neat video of what Disney is doing for today's blooming animators.  They are starting them at the beginning...the very beginning. Through classes at the disney museum people (kids-adults) can take classes on animation design. First they show you the way animation was done at the start of disney. Pencil, pen and paper plotted on a cork-board storyboard. They make you utilize the step-by-step method. I think that's wonderful! So Amazing! I feel like today younger people are too used to technology that they don't even want or care to know how we got to this point. Im sure some people can use Illustator or Photoshop, but ask them to plot a story using pen, pencil, and charcoal and they would be at a loss. The nuisances of using the real thing is much different than using a tablet and having a program animate for you.
It makes me so happy that Disney is getting right. Teach the absolute foundation and go up from there. Sometimes it not about the technology, it's about your creative thinking with limited tools.
It's hard for me sometimes...they gap of paper artist and computer artist. I started as a Drawing major here at Whitewater but switched over to Game Design. In the classes they expect you to just know the basics. Well I don't and I wish there was a program that started everyone out at the same level- help you make the transition from paper to technology.
Guess I'll have to move to San Francisco for that....

Thursday, December 9, 2010

MAGD 150- Website User Test Homework

Results from website user test:

I asked my boyfriend to do the usability test on Apple
He's never used the site and is a Microsoft fan boy...so I thought it would be pretty interesting:

1) Does the site load quickly from a Chrome or Firefox browers? A-
2) Can you find the sections for computers, ipods, and accessories easily? A+
3) Is there a search bar easily available and is it easy to find? A+
4) Is the University Store easy to find? D (store gives you lower prices)
5) Is customer support information easy to find? B
6) Is the information about the products laid out in an easy fashion? A
7) Can you tell what the newest products are? A+
8) Is there a comments section? NA or F
9) Is the layout pleasing? A
10) Does it make you want to buy an Apple if you like Windows? lol, his words, not a chance

So from his perspective it's an easy site to navigate with only a couple flaws. For me I'm on the site all the time so I get around easily.
Way to go Apple!