Tuesday, December 14, 2010

North Korean Uprising

Stupid North Korean dictator... the man who has made it impossible for me to start my TEFL teaching in South Korea this year....I'll probably hold a grudge forever seeing as how his son is just as bad and ready to take up the "throne", and by that I mean seat of tyranny,  the moment his father is 6 ft. under.
I'll just have to take my English to Japan I suppose.
But, all personal grudges aside, I'm not the only one who bears a gruding eye towards the leadership of North Korea. I was looking on Kotaku today and saw a first person shooter in the works that directly deals with Kim Jung-un rising to power after his dad's death.
It's not pretty...Modern Warfare 2 but much worse. I couldn't embed the video unfortunately but I will post the link for you:

Homefront Video Game

This video below is just a video of their ceremonial war marches...scary.

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