Thursday, December 9, 2010

MAGD 150- Website User Test Homework

Results from website user test:

I asked my boyfriend to do the usability test on Apple
He's never used the site and is a Microsoft fan I thought it would be pretty interesting:

1) Does the site load quickly from a Chrome or Firefox browers? A-
2) Can you find the sections for computers, ipods, and accessories easily? A+
3) Is there a search bar easily available and is it easy to find? A+
4) Is the University Store easy to find? D (store gives you lower prices)
5) Is customer support information easy to find? B
6) Is the information about the products laid out in an easy fashion? A
7) Can you tell what the newest products are? A+
8) Is there a comments section? NA or F
9) Is the layout pleasing? A
10) Does it make you want to buy an Apple if you like Windows? lol, his words, not a chance

So from his perspective it's an easy site to navigate with only a couple flaws. For me I'm on the site all the time so I get around easily.
Way to go Apple!

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